987mb.com are proud to offer one of "The Best" Free Website Hosting packages around. A free hosting account enables you to launch and develop your new website without any monthly fees.
All free members recieve 1987MB Diskspace, 1987MB Monthly Bandwidth, 1 Fully Featured Mail Box, 5 Subdomains, 5 mySQL Databases, Website Builder, One-Click installs preloaded with phpBB3, Joomla, Wordpress, AWstats Tracking Statistics, plus many more features that will allow you to Create and Develop your Website.
All members have 24/7 Access to our Friendly Support Community and our extensive Support Database.
To qualify for Free Website Hosting with 987mb.cm all you need is your Own Domain. You can either Register one on Signup, Use a Domain that you have previously Registered OR Get A Free Domain from www.CO.cc
